Thursday, February 21, 2013


Thanks to wonderful family and friends I have been able to share clothing, games, books, crafts, toys and more with the kids at NPH. 

A special shout out to Amelia and Christine for bringing bags full of donated items for the kids. 

I've never seen kids so happy to get underwear!

The girls were surprised they could actually keep the clothing. Thank you Kathy! 

Gustavo playing with new beads from Cassie! 

Delmi creating a star with the foam crafts! Thanks Maggie! 

Laughing along with our new book from Teresa & family, THANK YOU!

Playing dress up with our new crowns! 

LEGOS! Thank you to the Weinards and the Killians, the kids love them! 

I still have boxes of gifts to go through for the kids. Markers, base-ball mitts, paint, games, hair-ties, stickers, tooth-brushes, tooth-paste, new running tops, play-dough and more thank you to all that helped out! 

THANK you G&G for funding the sidewalk, it will be under construction soon because the paperwork is done! 

Vacation with A&C

Last week I was lucky enough to have two very special visitors, Amelia and Christine! Although the week went fast, we have a lot of memories to look back on. 

We took a tour and spent the first day with the kids of NPH. 
We were able to visit with some of the girls and create some Perler fun. The girls really enjoyed the activities, good work ladies! 

We spent the afternoon with my boys and had a bonfire. Amelia and Christine brought toy airplanes and a glow in the dark basketball hoop. The boys are asking when you are coming back to visit?!

After NPH we spent two days at the Lake. We had wonderful views, food, sun, a girl named "Sky" and shopping. I will never forget that boat ride over to San Pedro, how beautiful and relaxing. 

We spent the last couple days of our vacation in Antigua. We toured the streets, museums, shops, restaurants and ruins. Thanks to these women I got to experience a new side of Antigua, the touristy one!  

One of my favorite highlights includes the "Museum of Tolerance." Thank God we didn't get on that tour!

I will never be able to look at these staged mannequins without laughing.

A BIG thank you to Amelia and Christine for everything! They brought a lot of fun, love and generosity to Guatemala. I'm glad I got to share my home with you two!